Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Bigfoot Space Alien

Is Bigfoot an Earthling
Or is it a spaceling
In the images
That we have
Seen here
We believe
That he is
In a spacesuit.
The Bigfoot is
not comfortable
with this
at this

The Unknown Region

Unknown or known
Who are you?
Who or what
Where and how
Outer space is an unknown region
As a nebula is born
Or a supernova explodes
A region is reworked
Comets are filling stations
An the moon is a big gas station
With all of that Helium-3

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Tow Papas Tent

Tow Papas Tent
Where the shows are
Where the dancing never stops
A tent of wild going on
Wildness in the wilderness
Wild cats and jugs
Snake doctors fly around
The floor as of dirt
Earthen dances
Just wildness
Tow Papas Tent

Tunip Green Ban

They told me not to say this
They told me to shut up
They told me to sit down
All I can do is sit in this box room alone.
Everything has been banned.
Tunip greens up yours.
They were banned.
Dont you say Tunip Greens!

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Peace will not be silenced
Love will not be beat down
The truth will not be covered up
There are so many cracks 
The waters of truth are spilling everywhere
They will drown by their lies
Oh, Sahara

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Cowboy Fence Cows

The fence falls down 
The cows get in and out
They go here and there
But sometimes they stay silent
Sometimes they eat grass
Sometimes they just chew
A sanctuary for cows 
A haven.
Real cowboys do not ride horses.
A fool before them.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Phil Collins Zomdrum

Stolen from a zombie prince
The one magical zombie drum
It was at the Alamo
It was used at Waterloo
The drum that calls zombies
Behold the zomdrum
Made in Tyler Texas
Sits now in a small room
Off to the side of a chapel

Company Made Zombie

Made to fire
Made to destroy lives
All for company gold
In the broken bow
Of the one before
No friends wanted here
Made to fire 
Made to go home
Tricked of the mind. 

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Ford Fairlaine

Seems like I was running all the time
Running from the things I never said
Seems like it was just yesterday
Me and her we were doing just fine
Well a million blue tears
And a Ford Fairlaine
As I run off a cliff in California
I know she wont mind
If I take it one more time
She never liked that car anyway.