Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Intricate Design of the Machine

The intricate design of the machine is one of close examination. It involves small details, vast noises and elusive atoms. Why should the atoms inside the design of the machine matter? Because it is all a detail in your holographic image of what the machine should be. The machine only runs because you pay attention to it. If your eye was not the lens that it is seen through, would the machine itself exist? Some people say yes, others are in the no area. The machine is so massive it is also hard to understand how to slow it down or stop it. Certain individuals believe the only way to stop the machine is with thought or attention to detail. The most interesting part of this statement is the attention to detail. Maybe it is in examining the detail, as to how it works, down to the exact atom and then to become the machine in your mind and thus be able to slow or stop yourself altogether. The machine takes thought, it lives and breathes from it. In knowing this be careful, be vigilant, and know that it feeds from the massive thought that surrounds it. You make the machine what it seems to destroy you. It is very similar to the StayPuff man in the Ghostbusters movie. The most innocent object can become the biggest monster in your life. In closing remember, you make the machine what it is and control it. Be very careful which way you move the machine, or you might end up being taken by it.

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